Sunday, July 12, 2009

QTYMNA (Question That You May Never Ask: A Deprivation of F.A.Q )

Q: What's the point of this what-you-so-called QTYMNA SECTION?

A: Well, I have to tell you about the difficulty that I faced during the creation of this Blog. Actually this Blog project has been started since 2006. I have prepared tons of brainwaste, which could be used as article on this blog, but I still could not find a perfect opening which I expect could explain what this BLog would be. So after spending 3 years (of brainwasting) to decide on what opening article would fit on this BLog , I finally decided: why don't we make a FAQ like something which could elucidate things like I want.

Q: Ok, so why don't you tell me what this weblog all about

A: Actually, when I mention about BLog, It does not refer to "WeBlog" , it was referring to "Brainwaste LOG"

Q: Brainwaste? what kind of creature is that?

A: Okay, firstly lets take a look about the definition of each noun at


a. Intellectual ability; mind: a dull brain; a quick brain.

b. Intellectual power; intelligence. Often used in the plural: has brains and good looks. See Synonyms at mind.

2. Waste:

a. An unusable or unwanted substance or material, such as a waste product.

b. Something, such as steam, that escapes without being used.

Based on those definitions above , we could conclude brainwaste as intellectual power that escapes without being used

And now, let us to take a comparison on this noun:

3. Brainstorming - a group problem-solving technique in which members spontaneously share ideas and solutions; "we had an intense brainstorming session today"

Inspired by the definition of brainstorming, I would like to extend brainwasting definition as: an activity in which a person/group uses their intellectual power for something pointless/useless.

Q: I still don't get it….could you gave me an example

A: The process of defining "brainwaste" before is a perfect example. There is no point on defining it doesn't it?

Q: Errrr……if its pointless, why do you suggest people to do brainwasting?

A: Any other brain activity such as thinking and brainstorming could lead us to solution /knowledge/something within the context boundaries (which could be in form of problems or previous thought) , while brainwasting would lead us to something beyond any contextual boundaries.

Q: So whats the point of it?

A: Like I said before, there is no point of brainwasting.

Q: So you just waste your intellectual power and especially your TIME…..?

A: Actually, yes…..just like what Shakesphere and Einstein do.

Q: They do brainwasting?

A: Yes, they do:

Shakesphere has created more than 1500 words, which we use daily in our life today, such as: forward, gossip,manager,bandit,bedroom, etc; for a complete lists, you could buy this book Whats the point of creating new words?

Einstein's idea about space-time continuum considered as the most creative attempt that ever done by human, but similar to Heinsberg's Quantum Theory, Einstein's space-time continuum model could not be considered as product of Re-Search, its an invention, the theory just popped out from middle of nowhere without any support from previous research (okay, I was exaggerate it, but Physicist, you know what I mean, right). Einstein just let his mind run wild beyond any boundaries (most of the physicist works at 3d plane during that era, but Einstein has already jump beyond that boundaries) during the formulation of this theory. Skeptical scientist would think what Einstein did as a total joke (mass as the effect of space-time continuum bending, wtf?), I would think what Einstein did was a brilliant brainwasting.

Brainwaste may seem useless at one moment, but who knows what happen in the future.

Q: If Shakesphere deals with literature and Einstein plays with physics, what field do you prefer for your brainwaste?

A: To be honest, I have broad field of interests, but never became an expert of it. For anyone who expected details on every brainwaste, forgive me if I disappoint you.

Some of my major interests are: Horology , Coffee, Culinary ,Travelling, Art, Animation, Marketing, Modern Science, Books & Mangas, Programming, Religion, Movies, Health, Photography, Digital Meme's, Politics, Economics, Marketing, Humanity And Life.

Q: So that means that this Blog would not have any specific topic?

A: Correct, i will write anything that crosses into my mind.

Q: You're Indonesian, why'd you wrote in English (which still has lots of grammatical problem) instead of Bahasa

A: Sometimes I find it easier to express my thought in other language such as English. But it's not a necessity for me to wrote in English, maybe you could expect me to write in any other language in the future, depends on the condition.

Q: Okay..i'm still confused and clueless, but good luck with your Brainwasting

A: Thank you, welcome to the journey of the pointless thought.


belgaman said...

very nice says indeed :D.
Keep blogging, eh brainwaste blogging ;)

Anonymous said...

bravo... brilliant... genius...