Sunday, January 23, 2011

War Of The Smartphones

"The world was simpler when Apple & Blackberry just mere fruit and Android only appears on Terminator movie"

Ten years ago we would'nt expect how a single device that fits our palm could connect to Internet, streaming videos from youtube, act like a GPS, send and read e-mail and even edit and view office documents. Yes, we had live in an era when "Dumb Phone" dominates our live.

Slowly but sure, the golden era of these Dumb Phone began to fade away. The Smartphones take over the throne by offering more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary basic Dumb phone.

Currently, there are 3 major strains of Smartphone in the market: Blackberry OS, Android & iOS based device (Meebos were sucks and Palm Web Os penetration on the market still low). Since i'm an avid user of Android device, a newbie user of Blackberry Handset and adorer of iOS based device, it will become a great sin if i don't write a brainwaste which dedicated to these wonderful beasts.


By appointment of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth III, i declare this smartphones war! (note: Android "naked" interface was called "Vanilla")



In 2002, a Canadian based company (which is typicaly satire, just like their humour) RIM released the first BlackBerry which was the first smartphone optimized for wireless email use and had achieved a total customer base of 32 million subscribers by December 2009 (and Indonesian were their biggest victim! Yaay!). BlackBerry is primarily known for its ability to send and receive (push) Internet e-mail wherever mobile network service coverage is present, or through Wi-Fi connectivity. BlackBerry has the ability to use wireless data efficiently while using less power than other phones, three BlackBerrys use the same wireless spectrum as only one other smartphone!

Though it has amazing connectivity feature, Blackberry devices are lacking one important thing: A pleasant User Interface (UI). Blackberry UI is so straightforward, no transition effect, has poorly designed UI, and most important thing: no fun at all! That makes Blackberry suitable for bunch of people who doesn't have "fun" word on their dictionary in example: businessman, senior citizens & dinosaurs.



Android is a mobile operating system initially developed by Android Inc but was bought by Google in 2005 (That makes Android has the strongest financial backup for development among other smartphones. Unit sales for Android OS smartphones ranked first among all smartphone OS handsets sold in the U.S. in the second and third quarters of 2010. with a third quarter market share of 43.6%.

Android is based upon a modified version of the Linux kernel. A linux kernel? Yes! That makes Android more PC-like OS than other competitor, not forgot to mention, theoretically due to its "open " nature, Android could also installed from refrigerator, DVD player, game console and even PC itself! Amazing isn't it? Not really for me, due to it's flexibility, Android OS never optimized for one device (like Apple & RIM did for their smartphone), it's unstable, sometimes it's laggy, even on high end device, in the end it feels like we're using an prototype, experimental device that only will be matured in 5 years for now. If you're an early adopter type fellow, or someone who likes to experimenting with their mobile devices (a geek *cough*) , Android surely will easily became a 'Deus-Ex-Machina', but for someone else whom adore stability and speed, Android is a no no.



The iPhone is a line of Internet and multimedia-enabled smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The first iPhone was introduced on January 9, 2007. The user interface is built around the device's multi-touch screen, it works smoothly, response fluidly & beautifuly, has top of the line user experience and through Apple Inc superior marketing program, it was perceived "cool" by every age and gender. Supossedly, iPhone is the most ideal smartphone today on the market, but for me iPhone lacks something important: freedom!

iOS is a closed system which means, to interact with the system, software must contact several internal API without any right to contact the kernel directly. Apple prevents the developers to mess up with the iOS core itself . If this statement confuses you, then let me explain it in more blatant way; iPhone is lack of customization and personalization feature, your personal preference does not matter for Steve Jobs, once you bought iPhone, your identity will instantly be associated with Apple, you'll became another Apple fans whom doesn't have personal identity, they just let themself became Steve Jobs slave, and loosing their control & freedom *thats explain why iOS crack called jailbreak*!

A proud Iphone user surely conceive themself as cool & trendy dude, but IMHO they had loose their freedom and instead being controlled by Apple.

Blackberry vs Android vs iPhone User

Our Brainwaste today concluded with a astonishing illustration from our friendly neighbourhood @csectionscomic


Despite the differences, there is one thing that iPhone and Android users can both agree on: that RIM users are dinosaurs. Now, if Blackberry are dinosaurs, then Nokia must be fossils or dollar menu toys?

My brain is hot and my finger has been twisted, now please let me know which kind of smartphone user you are?


Unknown said...

Inoel..kerennn isi blognya. Smuanya kamu yg tulis sendiri kah? Sugoi!!!

sikereninoel said...

Hayu atuh kita membrainwaste bersama mei :D